Means of Order

In 2001 the Coastguard has announced a mean of Order based on the Bill no. 326 by the danish Goverment, May 1999. This Executive Order, together with the following additions, constitutes the Rules of Procedure for the Hundested Marina and Fishing Port.

Both and maintenance
Electricity on the boats
Winter pitch and boat pick-up and launch
Boat racks and bucks

Standard regulations for compliance with order in Danish marinas and smaller fishing ports.


The harbor is owned by Port of Hundested I/S.
The marina and fishing port includes all basins that are navigated from the northern entrance. The lake area is bounded by the outer walls of the harbor.
The land area is bounded north by Amtsvejen, to the east by Strandvejen, to the south by Færgevejen. This regulation does not apply to the port of call.

Every boat owner must have his boat insured. Upon receipt, the receipt must be presented to the administration of the port.

Particular care must be taken and vessels, even under sails, must not impede safe passage for ships that have difficulty maneuvering due to weather or space conditions.

The port must be navigated at a speed not exceeding 3 knots.

Both and maintenance
All boats and dinghies in the harbor must have a valid mark.

Boat owners have an unconditional obligation to watch the vessel when it is in or on the harbor, and ensure that it is leaned, well-groomed and detached on both sides. If the boat is deemed to be in such poor maintenance condition that there is a risk of the boat sinking or that the boat is at considerable disadvantage or danger to other users, the boat can be expelled from the harbor.

With reference to item. 4.3 in the standard regulations for compliance with order in Danish marinas and smaller fishing ports (Executive Order No. 9139 of 15 April 2002 with annex), the following applies. use of prohibited paint:

Any application or use of bottom paint or the like containing the substances prohibited at any time (1) results in loss of the right to a boat site in the port and is thus regarded as a significant or serious breach.

In case of suspicion of applying or using illegal bottom paint or the like, the boat and / or the place owner is obliged to assist in testing the applied bottom paint or the like. Failure to observe this obligation will result in the loss of the right to a boat site in the port and thus be considered as a substantial or serious breach. If the boat and / or the place owner has incurred or used illegal bottom paint or the like, the boat and / or the place owner is obliged to pay the costs of these investigations.

If the use of bottom paint or the like containing prohibited substances is established, the port authority may, under mitigating circumstances, require that the boat and / or the place owner within a specified time limit either remove the illegal bottom paint or the like in an environmentally sound manner or properly seal it. Failure to comply with an injunction does not immediately result in a loss of the right to a boat site in the port and is thus regarded as a substantial or serious breach.

1) Pt. cf. Executive Order on Restrictions on Import, Sale and Use of Biocidal Bottom Paint (no. 1278 of 12/12/2005, as amended) and Bek. amending the Executive Order limiting the sale and use of certain hazardous chemical substances and products for specified purposes (organic tin compounds) (no. 926 of 18/11/2002).

Electrical connection
Electric installations on the boats must be carried out in accordance with current legislation before connection to the port’s electrical stand.

Permanent electrical connection to the boat may only be carried by the payee or through a power meter approved by Hundested Havn.

Winter storage space and boat pick-up and launch
The harbor offers winter storage space, which is indicated by Hundested Harbor. The space is filled up so that both do not block each other during the pickup.

The stands must first be set up immediately before picking up. Empty racks standing in the winter storage area for several days before picking up will be removed without notice for the owner.

Recording can be done from Servicekajen.

Boat racks and bucks
Boat racks and bucks must not stand on the harbor area, but must be removed from the port area immediately after use or placed in the enclosure on the ferry route. Boat racks and bucks that remain in other areas will be removed for the owner’s expense. As far as possible, racks must be folded or separated.

Boat racks and bucks must be clearly marked with boat name and seat number. Unlabeled boat racks and bucks will be removed without notice by Hundested Harbor.

Both in the harbor must not be used as a residence.

The harbor assumes no liability to boat owners or others in the event of breakages of moorings, bridges or harbor works.

Order on standard regulations for compliance with order in Danish marinas and smaller fishing ports

Pursuant to section 15 and section 18 (2). 2, of Act No. 326 of May 28, 1999 on ports, is determined by authorization pursuant to § 5, no. 4, of Executive Order no. :

§ 1. The ‘Standard regulations for compliance with order in Danish marinas and smaller fishing ports’ stated in Appendix 1 apply to marinas and smaller fishing ports.

§ 2. The hitherto applicable to the individual marinas and smaller fishing ports pursuant to section 14 (1). 1, of Act No. 316 of 16 May 1990 on traffic ports, etc. and section 15, cf. 2, of Law No 326 of May 28, 1999 on Ports, order regulations remain in force until new regulations may be drawn up. However, provisions in an order of law are terminated that the port may make the person in question aware that violation of the regulations can be settled without legal prosecution when paying a fine, and that it accrues to the port.

§ 3. The Executive Order shall enter into force on 1 May 2002.

The Coastal Directorate, April 15, 2002

Per Roed Jakobsen
Flemming Thyme

Appendix 1

Standard regulations for compliance with order in Danish marinas and smaller fishing ports.
For these ports, the individual port shall draw up an individual regulation with a description of the port’s land and sea area and with an indication of any special rules of the order that are desired for the port in question.

The individual order regulations must refer to the “Order on standard regulations for compliance with order in Danish marinas and smaller fishing ports”.

The individual order regulations must be approved by the Coastal Directorate.

1. General provisions
1.1 The master of any vessel in the port and the other users of the port are obliged to familiarize themselves with the contents of these regulations, which are provided free of charge by contacting the port authority.
1.2 Compliance with the order within the port area is supervised by the port authority.
1.3 The police, the municipal rescue services, the fisheries control and other authorities carry out tasks within the port area according to the general rules of the legislation and can use towing hitches as needed.
1.4 The port authority must, during the service period, be wearing uniform or uniform cap, but must, moreover, justify himself if required.

2. Rules for anchoring, sailing, mooring etc.
2.1 Vessels shall not anchor within the port’s sea area without imperative necessity, unless the port authority has given special permission to do so.
2.2 Vessels permitted to be anchored outside the port’s external works, but within the maritime area of ​​the port, shall be provided with regulatory signals (black ball or anchor lantern).
2.3 The port authority may require that any vessel that anchors within the maritime area of ​​the port be moved if the port authority considers that the vessel prevents free and safe passage. If the anchorage has not ended at the time set by the port authority, the port authority may allow the vessel to move for the owner’s expense and risk.
2.4 For the voyage within the port area, the rules made by the Danish Maritime Authority at any time apply to navigation etc. in certain Danish waters as well as possibly. special rules that may appear in the individual part of the order regulations.
2.5 Sailing within the port area must take place at speeds that do not exceed posted speed limits or in the absence of such low speed conditions that no disadvantage is caused to others. There must be maneuvered in such a way that there is no risk of damage to the port facility.
2.6 In addition to necessary delay in “loading / unloading”, fixed vessels must repair, refuel, etc. only placed at the designated (assigned) places.
2.7 Guest vessels must report their arrival to the port authority as soon as possible. The guest must delay to another place if this is assigned by the port authority, or if the space is to be used by a vessel which has been allocated the space.
2.8 If a given order is not complied with, the port authority may leave the vessel for the owner’s account and risk.
2.9 All vessels using the port are obliged to use moorings and landings adapted to the size of the vessel and in all circumstances keep the vessel within the designated space.
2.10 Vessels shall not be held by anchors or belts which wholly or partly obstruct the waters of the port without the permission of the port authority, and when required, shall be slackened for other boats.
2.11 The shipowner is bound to regularly inspect his vessel when it is in or on the port and ensure that it is docked, well moored and detached on both sides, and the landowner, under landlocking, has the sole responsibility for ensuring that the vessel is securely stiffened and that any covering is suitably attached.
2.12 If, for reasons of space, it is necessary for several vessels to be on the side of each other, those closest to the bulwark must agree that the crew from the outside vessels have free and unobstructed passage over the deck. The crew from the outer boats should, as far as possible, pass over the front deck on the inner boats.
2.13 Towing rolls and the like may only be placed by the vessel if it can be done without inconvenience to other vessels.
2.14 Vessels lying moored must attach falls and the like so that they do not clash unnecessarily against the mast.
2.15 A vessel may not be laid in or on the port without the prior permission of the port authority. Such authorization will, where appropriate, contain the necessary practical instructions, conditions of financial security, compliance with given deadlines, supervisory obligations, etc.
2.16 Surviving, sunken or stranded vessels may require the port authority to move within a reasonable time set by the port authority. If an order is not complied with, the port authority may after another notified deadline allow the vessel to remove and sell at the owner’s expense. Before the sale, the port must as far as possible notify the owner. The proceeds from a sale can be used for full or partial coverage of the port’s costs.
If an independent reviewer has declared that the vessel is worthless or its weather

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