
Why Hundested Marina?

Hundested Marina has developed significantly over the last 10 years, from being an industrial port to being a modern harbour with many facilities. The port is threefold in its operation, serving both industrial companies, cultural companies and yacht sailors. The port is a flexible business partner that provides you with optimal conditions for you to run your business efficiently and without problems.

Network and Support

One of the foundations of the port’s current success has been the commitment and the unity that has been among the operators at the port. We make things happen because we lift up in groups and because we cooperate – these factors help make the port an ideal partner, who can actively contribute to realizing your company’s next project.

Business Startup

Hundested Marina is a welcoming and dedicated industrial and business port. Hundested Marina’s vision is to be a year-round port that citizens and tourists will use all year round. This vision has meant that the harbour has become the home of talented artisans with open workshops.

Hundested Marina is also a strong partner for industrial companies who want to be located at Hundested Marina.

Contact us and let us take a dialogue on how we can help develop your business.

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